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50cc Bike
Jerrican US metal Ipone 20L
Article no.: IP-850116

Jerrican US metal Ipone 20L

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Jerrican US metal Ipone 20L is an ultra-practical canister that every biker should have in his workshop.

For transporting or storing gasoline.

Questions about the product
Notes and Safety

2-stroke engines run on a mixture of fuel and 2-stroke oil. Older two-wheelers such as vintage mopeds or classic scooters do not have an oil pump, unlike newer models with auto-lube systems. The rider must prepare the mixture himself, and there are three gadgets that are needed for this.

2-stroke oil Dosing Bottle

Oil dosing bottles are measuring containers that allow you to precisely measure the amount of oil to be added to the mixture. Just follow the indications on the scales and you're done. The oil bottle is compact and easy to transport, so you can prepare the mixture directly at the pump.


A jerrican or canister is a portable container for safely storing and transporting fuel. It is made of sturdy plastic or metal and has a waterproof cap. You can store gasoline and mix it right at home.


With the help of a funnel, liquids can be transferred from one container to another without spilling. It is especially convenient when you want to pour fuel from a canister into the tank.

Technical details
Jerrican US metal Ipone 20L
Article no.IP-850116
Weight8,00 kg
Product typeJerricans and dosing aids
Tool typeOther
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